Iryna Shevchuk advises in a research project in human rights

ENGARDE’s Senior Associate, attorney Iryna Shevchuk advised Ausra Padskocimaite, a researcher for Uppsala University (Sweden) as to carrying out a PhD dissertation project. The project is to study the influence of the European Convention for Human Right and Fundamental Freedoms, as well as the influence of decisions taken by the European Court for Human Rights on the countries that emerged on the territory of the former USSR.  The research is being undertaken by Ausra Padskosimaite, a PhD candidate in Public International Law, at the Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies of the mentioned university.

During their personal meeting Iryna Shevchuk and Ausra Padskosimaite discussed the possibility of introducing Ukraine into the list of countries, in which the data would be collected for further scientific legal analysis.  The data for this project will be collected by means of interviews with judges, practicing lawyers, researchers, representatives of NGOs, as well as by analysis of primary sources.

ENGARDE readily supports scientific and educational aspirations of the firm’s lawyers, as well as researchers from leading universities and research institutions.